property updated & generated in seconds. not days.

Step into the next generation of equipment management with Log-E: digitize your property book for real-time visibility into equipment status and mission readiness.

Become a Log-E user today.

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Life is too short for endless spreadsheets and hand jamming PDF documents...

Log-E enables you to properly account for your equipment, property, and consumables both during and in between physical equipment inventories.  Streamline and digitize the paperwork processes that consume valuable time while at home or on-the-go.

For the Soldier

Easily understand what gear you’re being assigned. Leverage and add status details to individual items in the catalog for overall awareness.

For the Supply SGt

Save an immense amount of time by automating equipment paperwork. Manage access to assigned equipment records all in one app, your new pocket property book.

For the Commander

Get the ground-truth of the status of your equipment. Make more informed decisions around force readiness and mission capabilities.

For the Enterprise

Log-E generates a unique new data set never before captured with existing Army systems. It offers the opportunity to aggregate data across the enterprise to unlock major insights into mission capabilities and force readiness.

“I’m an Android user and the first version of Log-E was only supported on iOS. After seeing my peers use it, I bought a freaking iPhone.”

- Special Forces Engineering Sergeant

The line between order and disorder lies in logistics.


AUTOMATEd Paper Trail

  • Generate and share sub-hand receipts with just a few clicks
  • Easy on-the-go access to critical property documents and records
  • Access real-time information on-the-go from the mobile app; review reports and manage data from the convenience of your desktop

No More Guesswork

  • Note taking function provides more robust descriptions to fill in knowledge gaps about equipment (i.e. when serial numbers are unavailable)
  • End users can append images to ensure positive identification of specific items
  • Built-in search allows users to leverage tags and notes to quickly navigate to one or more items, view item details, or take specific actions
  • Merge/Diff tool allows users to identify changes to inventory when property book updates roll out

*Coming Soon* Leader's Dashboard

  • Answer the age old question of which equipment is missing & broken
  • Understand the value of your equipment in seconds
  • Understand in seconds the cost to maintain equipment and which equipment is going unused.
  • Save your people time by easily identifying the equipment you need more info on in your own secure property database.
Find out more!
A Dashboard showing Equipment Status for Leaders

"Finally, a 21st Century tool for the service members who actually use equipment to get things done.”

- Special Forces Engineering Sergeant

The Security of Your Data Is Our Highest Priority

Log-E is built on our premier Zero Trust Platform with End to End Encryption out of the box. Our technology is built from the ground up to meet the most stringent security and compliance requirements in the industry—so you know your data is always safe.

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