From Battlefield to Bytes: How One Special Forces Sergeant Revolutionized Equipment Management
When Bernie O. enlisted in the Army as a Special Forces Engineer Sergeant, he imagined a high-octane life filled with explosive missions and elite camaraderie. What he didn't expect was that a staggering percentage of his job would revolve around managing administrative equipment processes. He spent countless hours hunting for serial numbers, tracking down missing gear, and ensuring endless documentation was in order. The reality of his role became clear: safeguarding the team's equipment was paramount, and any lapse could mean significant consequences.
As an 18C, Bernie was the gatekeeper of all gear, responsible for ensuring the team’s equipment was in functioning order, protecting the team leader with proper documentation, and maintaining an iron grip on inventory. Misplaced items didn't just disappear—they could lead to serious financial and operational repercussions. An app, Bernie realized, couldn't make lost property reappear, but it could prevent the headaches of miscommunication and streamline the entire property management process.
With a knack for programming instilled in him from a young age, thanks to an uncle who introduced a computer into his home, Bernie saw a solution. He had honed his skills at a technical high school, where he dove deep into computer science. This background became his secret weapon. While at home and deployed in Syria, Bernie set out to create a first-of-its kind mobile app to ease the burden of equipment management for the soldiers who actually use their equipment. Over six grueling months, he coded the first version of his vision, continuously seeking feedback from his fellow soldiers.
The result was the birth of the app initially known as 92x. Launched in 2019, it was designed to reclaim precious time for soldiers, reduce errors, and bring order to the chaos of equipment by auto-generating DA 2062’s, DD 1750’s, spreadsheets, and property picture books at any time from the cell phone in your back pocket. The impact was immediate—one soldier even purchased an iPad solely to use the app.
But the 92x impact didn't stop there. JJ and James, two fellow veteran Green Berets, recognized the potential of 92x, and teamed up with Bernie to enhance and evolve it. Now known as Log-E, the app has transformed to become even more user-friendly, collaborative, secure, and powerful. Its new features act as force multipliers, facilitating seamless knowledge transfer across teams and ensuring that no detail slips through the cracks.
Log-E has not only simplified equipment management but has also become a testament to the innovative spirit of soldiers who adapt and overcome challenges, both on and off the battlefield. Their creativity, tenacity, and refusal to let unnecessary friction distract them from the mission drive cultural progress. Even in the most demanding environments, ingenuity can flourish, turning pain points into practical solutions that benefit all. Log-E is more than an app—it's a revolution in military logistics, born from the battlefield and built for those who serve.
Log-E, part of the Adyton Operations Kit (AOK), is now in use across the US Army, including multiple Special Forces Groups. AOK is DISA-approved and available for download in the DISA mobile app store.
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