Coming Soon: A Sleek New Look for Mustr
In 2024, we have hit the ground running with weekly product updates that offer bug fixes, introduce new features, and showcase new beta products.
One of our exciting product updates is for our accountability & communication software, Mustr! In the next few weeks, we'll be releasing a sleek new look for Mustr, including a dark mode option! This update will also create a more streamlined, consistent experience for our users across web and mobile, leading to a truly more intuitive experience overall.

This new update will also allow the team to more easily enhance available features, such as downloading files from SMS text messages, provide additional registration and authentication options, and more.
Stay tuned for more details and updates on helpful new features (and even beta access to new products!)
Our team is always seeking to make the biggest impact for our users through our products. Whether it's making sure they have a way to stay connected with their team during deployments, block leave, or TDY/PCS moves; or ensuring everyone's safety is accounted for during mass incidents; or even tracking their team's equipment inventory right from their mobile phone; our goal is to create a seamless, steadfast, secure product suite that our users can rely on when it counts.
Because if we can, we must.
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Collaborating Seamlessly Across Multiple Distributed Organizations in an Edge Environment
Seamlessly collaborate across distributed organizations at edge environments - robust tools, clear governance, and scalable, secure systems.